Blogs > Driving Fitz Me

I can drive for miles and miles. Trust me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When we get to that bridge on a bike

It's a proud tradition we have here in Michigan of watching our

governor walk across the Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day. Maybe

proud is too strong a word, but the tradition did start 54 years ago.

Last year Jenny Granholm jogged across the bridge, though runners

hate being called joggers. She may have been practicing a fast exit from an

unpopular reign. This year Gov. Rick Snyder took a brisk stroll across the

bridge. I'm not much of a walker or runner, but I do love

bicycling.The biggest problem with bicycling is that you share the

road with all sorts of vehicles -- all of which are capable of smushing

you. And there is no refuge to be found on the state's major bridges.

Twenty years ago I biked across the Ambassador Bridge, but that is

no longer permitted. Here's a quick rundown on biking rules for

other bridges: Blue Water Bridge, no, but authorities will transport

you and your bike at their "convenience," which means bring a good

book. The same rules apply for the Mackinac Bridge.

But the International Bridge in Sault Ste. Marie actually permits

bicyclists to cross. How nice of them. But remember: current toll

rates apply.


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